News article

Happy 30th, Worldox!

by | Jun 28, 2018 | Document Management, Worldox

This year, World Software Corporation is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the launch of its flagship program, Worldox. They have many positive reasons to mark this milestone. For many years Worldox has enjoyed the reputation as, quite simply, being the benchmark for on-premise Document Management Software (DMS). By default, users can define the way documents are to be stored and the program enforces those rules.   No more painful searches through folders and sub-folders. No more “lost” documents.

Worldox also has superior indexing capability for complex searches. How many times have you heard, “There’s this document…  I can’t remember what matter was involved or who wrote it… but it had this phrase…”   Rather than spend hours or days, Worldox can search your entire database for both legacy and active documents to find a document or documents that meet your criteria.  And yes, even search through the text for that elusive phrase.

In addition to classifying documents, Worldox also can save and classify emails. They are stored in their original .msg format and can include and be related to any attachments.  They can also be included in searches.

While Worldox is primarily an on-premise software program, there are also options to run it in a hosted environment – yours or theirs. Worldox Web gives users the ability to access the same document store they would see in the office from any device that can connect to the internet – laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Those users with iOS devices (iPhone and IPad) can now enjoy the benefits of Worldox® Document Management for iOS.


Worldox Connect now gives users collaboration tools to support advanced file sharing & synchronization with the ability to review and compare documents.  Best of all, add Digital Rights Management to outbound content restricting recipients from printing, sharing, or text scraping from documents.

Those who use Office 365 can take advantage of their subscriptions by using the Worldox Add-in for Office 365 to access Worldox documents from any browser. This brings Worldox document access directly into Office 365 online applications.  It leverages the flexibility and mobility of OneDrive, allowing users to check out files to OneDrive for easy viewing and editing in Office Online. It can work with any browser on a PC or Mac. And when you’re finished working with a document in Office Online, save it directly into Worldox.

Finally, World Software recently introduced new productivity tools as add-on features. Each of them could be an article in and of themselves, but the names will give you a hint as to what they do:

  • Worldox Workflow Tools
  • ContentCrawler for Worldox
  • Worldox Productivity Suite – includes the full versions of compareDocs 4 and pdfDocs4 from DocsCorp; olus Worldox Workflow ToolsTo celebrate all of these achievements, World Software Corporation announced two special offers for new users through December 31, 2018:
  • “20 for 20” – While cloud-based document management systems offer subscriptions for $40/user per month and more, World Software Corporation will offer Worldox GX4 Professional software for $20/user per month, based on a three (3) year contract. This price includes the annual maintenance fees during the term of the contact. This special offer means the licenses are on a subscription basis. If a site chooses not to renew past the three year contract, the licenses must be removed from the site after they expire.
  • “30 for 30” – This deal offers the Worldox Cloud at $30.00 per user per month for the first 12 months. Thereafter, the price will be $44.00 per user per month. The Cloud Storage price list will stay the same but storage over 100 GB will be quoted at 15 cents per GB, sold in 50 GB increments. All current Worldox customers are eligible to receive this pricing as long as they are not currently on Worldox Cloud.

Our Worldox consultants at Crosspointe would be happy to show you the full features of this powerful program, answer your questions, and provide customization, training and support services. If you are tired of searching for documents and want better organization, call us.  If you have Worldox and want to take advantage of all of its many features and benefits, call us.  We can be reached at 877-357-0555 or write to us at [email protected].

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