News article

Moving from Worldox to NetDocuments
(3 minute read)

Last week we received an interesting question from one of our clients whose firm just transitioned from Worldox to NetDocuments.  Here is what she asked:

“Is there a NetDocuments feature similar toWorldox to NetDocuments Worldox that provides an icon on your screen where you can drag items into from your computer?”

I’ve used both Worldox and NetDocuments and I know what she means.  Worldox places an icon at the top of a user’s desktop called a WorkZone.  Users can take a document, drag it to hover over the WorkZone icon, and a screen would appear inviting the user to file it in their document management program.

So, the question now becomes – Does NetDocuments have a feature that allows users to file documents using a drag a drop method?  The answer is YES.

NetDocuments has ndOffice, an add-in that integrates with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat and Reader to manage your documents and emails.  You’ll find this in each of these programs, and in a small icon that is located on Windows PC machines in the systray or minimized on your taskbar.

When you click on the icon in either location, it opens up the ndOffice Activity Center

  • Users can do a lot with the Activity Center.  It displays all of your favorites – Favorite Workspaces, Favorite Items — and other documents found on your Home Page
  • What it also can do is accept your documents when you drag and drop them in the Activity Center.drag-nd-drop
  • Drag your document(s) or file(s) to the center of the Activity Center. The screen will change and ask you to Upload Document.  Once you do that the NetDocuments Save As dialog box will appear and you can file your documents(s) or file(s).

Are you thinking about changing or moving to a document management system?  There are many advantages in doing so – and we can help. Our team has experienced consultants who can assist with designing your DMS, migrating your documents, providing personalized and customized training, and help you with tips & tricks to help you gain confidence in getting the most from your investment.  Got questions?  Contact us by calling 877-375-2810 or write to us at [email protected].  


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